How to Activate and Update Autel MaxiIM KM100 / KM100E?
Autel MaxiIM KM100 KM100E is an advanced key and immobilizer touchscreen tablet capable of Smart Key Creation and IMMO learning via OBD. This 5.5-inch, Android touchscreen tablet with Bluetooth VCI can program the Autel IKEY as a smart key replacement for more than 700 vehicles and offers IMMO programming capability for multiple vehicle brands including BMW, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, and General Motors. Additional innovative features include Key Renewal and Transponder Editing of 20 supported protocols.
But there have been some customers who don’t know how to activate and update this KM100 / KM100E, so let’s check the steps as bellowing :
Step1 : Turn on Autel KM100,
Accept the disclaimer, and click “Do not remind me again”.
Step 2 : Go to Settings>>System Settings>>WLAN
Connect Autel KM100 to Wi-Fi.
Step 3: Back to “Settings”, and select “VCI manager”.
Connect VCI to the device by USB cable.
Step 4 : Switch to “Firmware upgrade” and update firmware if there is one available.
Step 5: Back to Homepage, select “Update”.
Download “System Program”.
After it’s done, the device will reboot automatically.
Step 6: Back to “Update” again, and download “KeytoolDiag”.
Step 7 : Then download all immo programs required.
Now we can use this Autel KM100 / KM100E.
Check new updates often in the “Update” menu.
When there is one available, you can update the software by prompts
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